Autumn (other known as fall) is my favorite season of the year. this time of the year the summer trees leaves start to lose their greenish color and fall. The view in the public parks become colored in a spectacular blend of orange, red, green, brown, and every color in between. The squirrels collect the fallen seeds and store them for winter. The birds gather twigs and fallen branches to create nests to stay sheltered through the winter. The temperature has cooled down from the blazing summer and is awakening winter. I can't come out of the house with a T-shirt cause it's too cold nor can I depart with 5 different layers of clothes cause i'd be to hot. So over a shirt I just need to throw on a sweater an i'm good. The school year is going strong and by now I have adapted to my teachers. Plus my birthday is within the season, which makes Autumn the best time of the year.
My opinion on the video "This is It" is, it is way to interesting to be so short. the video showed Michael Jackson rehearsing before the "This is It" show and that the rehearsal is almost a replica the actual show. This shows the difference in skill that Michael Jackson poses that many other famous singers/dancers do not. It's just very sad to know that he is not alive any more to create new dance moves nor show off the moon walk.
On 0ct. 14, 2009 I delivered a 2 minute speech describing a hard time in my life. Yes I was nervous, but I did not show it.Read the speech yourself and post a comment so I could read your feedback. Enjoy a ... "A Help Me Moment"
President Obama won the Nobel Piece Prize, "because of his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". The Nobel Piece Prize is a award given to a person who have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses According to Nobel Committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland, "He got the prize because he has been able to change the international climate." Other presidents who won the prize were Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Jimmy Carter. Teddy Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905 for helping to end the Russo-Japanese War. Woodrow Wilson won Nobel Peace Prize in 1919 after pushing to join the League of Nations. Jimmy Carter won Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 (not while he was elected in office) for humanitarian efforts.

" Wagwan "!! ("What's going on?") This and other catchy sayings are very common in the island of Jamaica. Out of the many things I like about Jamaica like the food and the people, the sights stands out to me the most. I enjoy watching the water fall from the many waterfalls in Jamaica and see the beauty surrounding the falls. I enjoy looking at there famous sunset as well. the mix of colors looks amazing and it really is a good way to begin or end your day.
Their are many artists in the world, are you one of them? I on one part am a good drawer. All my life I drew pictures weather it was squiggly lines or a nice sunset. Sometimes the pictures come out exotic and abnormal, but it is fine because no one is perfect we all make mistakes. Also the best part about making mistakes is that we are able to correct them (most of the times) and make improvements. just like learning how to walk, it is a learning process. We get better each and every time we try and soon you will notice that your drawings are genuine art. Now to be truthful, there are people who really can not draw and even if they tried they still don't like their pictures. but being able draw is a wonderful gift, because if you can not verbally explain something you could draw out a picture of what you are trying to say. You know how the saying goes, " a picture is worth 1,000 words ".

Have you ever been in a situation in which you wanted something but the odds were not to your liking, here are some tips on how get your way when talking to parents and teachers. Getting your way when talking with your parents and teachers is really simple, that is if you play your cards right. but as always, you must think about how you will approach the topic. Just keep it simple. Start off on a soft note. People tend to draw to and listen to people who are soft and moderate in choosing words when talking to people. If you start off with mocking or belittling language you will not get your way, because they would feel disrespected and left feeling discouraged. Try not to use high sounding language used to impress people, because if you do not use the words in the right way, you would just look foolish. Using random "big" words could also make your conversation lengthy, so don't do that. Instead talk natural, use the vocabulary that you are comfortable with so your point of view would be censure and sound fluent. After that you wait for a response. Usually after that response the decision made, if the decision is not to your liking you could create clever reply like , "is their anything could do to change your mind?" Usually after that, their cot off guard and then you could wait for a response and then form a conclusion to finish your voluble conversation. Then while you walk away you could throw in a complement and a "thank you". This would leave your you parent or teacher feeling happy and maybe do a little more on your part. That tactic may or may not work so you could improvise each time you use it would not be like a platitude complement.
As a fellow kid, I know that we really do not like having to work hard.
We usually sit back and relax, this personal time is known as free time. This is when kids should play games, watch TV, surf the web, or do any enjoyable hobbies. Study's show relaxation is ideal for students to rest and reorganize the daily stress of school. Having to juggle the constant homework, daily class work, demanding teachers, troublesome colleges, and continuous personal problems, kids really reed to embrace the opportunity of personal free time. Besides free time involves anything. So there is no reason to be bored in your free time, because it is all up to you.