Chile has rechecked the actual death toll from the earthquake February to 497 victims which is still devastating. Interior Minister, Rodrigo Hinzpeter says about 96 people are still missing.The government on Friday announced that nearly $112 million repairs for school and other reconstruction efforts. now about 800,000 Chileans are homeless.
Godiva was founded in 1926 in Brussels, Belgium, by Joseph Draps. Draps opened his first boutique in the Grand Place in Brussels under its present name, in honor of the legend of Lady Godiva. The first Godiva shop outside Belgium was opened in Paris in 1958. In 1966, the company's products reached the United States, where it was sold at luxury department stores. The following year, it was purchased by the Campbell Soup Company. In 1972, the first Godiva boutique in North America was opened on New York's Fifth Avenue
Two of the oldest people alive died on the same, exact day. Mary Josephine Ray, who was certified as the oldest person living in the United States, died Sunday at age 114 years.Ray died just hours before Daisey Bailey, who was 113 years.Mary Josephine Ray died at a nursing home in Westmoreland but was active until about two weeks before her death, her granddaughter Katherine Ray said.The oldest living American is now Neva Morris, of Ames, Iowa, at age 114 years. The oldest person in the world is Japan's Kama Chinen at age 114 years.
For all those Pokemon fans, their is a new Pokemon game coming to stores in Mar.14, 2010 calledHeart Gold and Soul Silver.Visit the official Pokemon website for more information. The original Pokemon Gold and Silver adventure game was popular for the Game Boy Color, but it's now renamed and upgraded with 21st century technology for the Nintendo DS. You can reserve the game at game stop and make a down payment as little as $5.00, like I did. But you can also pay it in full, just to get it over with, like what some of my friends did. Which ever way you chose to reserve the game you will receive a small token of appreciation for reserving the game. For Heart Gold you will get the pokemon Ho-ho figure, for Soul Silver you will get a Lugia Pokemon figure and if you get both you will get both figures and a Arcious figure.Visit the official Pokemon website more information. I'm getting Soul Silver and I can't wait for it to come in stores.
On Jan 29, 2010, police officers used a taser to stun a student after a fight broke out between 2 girls in the hallway, at a high school basketball game in Monessen, Pennsylvania. The incident happened outside the gymnasium atMonessen High School during a game on friday, with Washington High.Officers say the fight grew to the point where players became involved. That's when police were called and the situation became dangerous. Police started to use tasers to brake the fight, but they targeted the wrong student. The victim, Mario, only wanted to get his sister, but staff targeted him as though he was the problem. A staff called a cop to assist him and tasered the innocent student. Mario was able to get away but he said after he was tasered, "I felt pain like never before". After reviewing video from the incident I think that the staff of the school are the blame, because they failed to control the problem. Fights happen, but if they're not controlled immediately it can become serous. If the problem was controlled their would not have and accidents nor would any one be injured.