Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Story called "The Piano Lesson"

In my English class i'm reading a book entitled, "The Piano Lesson" by August Wilson. Based no my reading of the first scene, I think the story is interesting. Right now I don't have a favorite character, because each character is steadily showing their true colors. Like how a Character named Boy Willie urges to sell the family's' most sacred artifact, the piano. Just so he could help himself buy land to start his own business. While his sister Berniece, don't want to sell the piano but instead enjoy life without any problems. And the other characters like Doker, Lymon and Avery also have important roles in the play, but not any thing that catches my attention. In the next scene I think it would discuss weather or not Boy Willie will get the piano and if he's able to get the land he wants.   I

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